To mark World Wetlands Day on February 2, 2022, the town of Ifrane, in partnership with Living Planet Morocco, is organizing a campaign to raise awareness of the need to protect natural aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity. Inhabitants and visitors to the town will be able to discover flags and posters highlighting several remarkable species in the Ifrane region.

Under the slogan “Ifrane ♥ Nature”, this awareness-raising campaign ties in with the theme chosen for this year’s celebration of the day: “Acting for wetlands means acting for humanity and Nature. Valuing, managing, restoring and loving wetlands”.

On the occasion of World Wetlands Day 2020, the Secretary General of Ifrane Province officially announced Ifrane’s candidacy for the Ramsar Convention’s City of Wetlands label. Since then, Living Planet Morocco has helped the town to prepare its application. The Label encourages towns that are close to or dependent on wetlands of international importance, or those with a different conservation category status, to develop and strengthen a positive relationship with these valuable ecosystems, notably through greater public involvement and awareness, and careful consideration of wetlands in municipal planning and decision-making.

Labeling Ifrane as a Ramsar-accredited Wetland Town aims to promote the conservation and wise use of its wetlands and generate sustainable socio-economic benefits for local populations.

Key dates:
  • 2015 : At the 12th Session of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Convention (COP12), the Ramsar Convention adopts the “Wetland City” Label.
  • 2018 : For the first edition (triennial period 2016-2018), a total of 18 cities were accredited by COP13, including Ghar El Melh, which becomes the first Arab and North African city to obtain the Label Ville Ramsar.
  • 2019: Classification of 12 new wetlands (including Oued Tizguite, located in the commune of Ifrane) on the Ramsar Convention’s list of international importance, the result of collaboration between Le Département des Eaux et Forêts, LPM, WWF North Africa, Institut Scientifique de Rabat and Grepom Birdlife Maroc.
  • March 15, 2020: Date of official submission of Ifrane’s application to the Ramsar authority.
Tags: Last modified: December 27, 2023